Discover the fjords of Labrador

Located 45 minutes away from our camps, the fjords of the far north of Labrador are real gems. Flying in the middle of these huge steep cliffs and above the icebergs will leave you with unforgettable memories.

Because of their limited access to the air, very few people have the chance to visit each year; be one of those!

There are many ways to discover these incredible landscapes:

Our safaris will allow you to observe, photograph and film these fabulous places and all the wildlife present in these fjords (polar bears, black bears, caribou, wolves, whales, seabirds, etc). See the packages

Our treks and expeditions in groups or solo will allow hikers to fully appreciate the exceptional scenery in which they evolve. See the packages

Bushflights in the Torngat Mountains above the plateaus, mountains and fjords are almost a must for private seaplane and helicopter pilots. See the packages
